The #1 Diagnosis Given to Children in February

ear infection boy

An ear infection, or Otitis media, is a general name for many conditions that affect the ear.  These conditions present as acute or chronic, and while some cause symptoms others go unnoticed.


Acute otitis media (AOM) will typically cause pain and a fever.  Otitis media with effusion (OME) is commonly seen in kids without pain or fever.  Ear infections account for over 37% of all pediatrician visits in the United States alone, and in the month of February it is the #1 diagnosis given to children from pediatricians!

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3 Steps to No Pain Shoveling

If you are like me, you are excited to see that we have snow on the ground.


And if you are like me, you are not excited to see the size of your driveway with all the snow on the ground.


If you shovel your driveway and have back pain after you are done, you may be doing it ALL wrong, or you just need to see your chiropractor.  If you don’t have a chiropractor, click here.


When you moved into your house a while ago, you probably heard the phrase “Lift with your knees, and not your back!” thrown around multiple times.  The concept is simple, yet sometimes it’s easier to just “do whatever it takes” to get that box up and out of the way.  The same concept applies to shoveling snow as well. Here’s a picture to show you the best way to shovel to see if you’ve been doing it all wrong.

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10 Natural Rememdies for Colds and Winter Sickness

10 Natural Rememdies for Colds and Winter Sickness
Undoubtedly, you or someone you know is suffering temporarily from the flu, a cold, or a sinus infection.  It’s not fun, but it can be made more bearable.  The list of 10 is not all inclusive, but will give you the right direction in treating your symptoms naturally.  Treating them naturally will allow your body to recover faster now and in the future.  So go on, let your body do what it was designed to do.

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