How to Save a Life

It seems like a majority of news media covers shootings, murders, homicides, and accidents.  Well, how about sharing some positive things that happen in our community like acts of selfless giving, service, or maybe a story about someone saving a life?  I guarantee that the good things people are doing FAR outweigh the craziness we mostly hear about.  What I’m about to share with you was no accident, and the experience involves a member of our practice…and someone I consider my brother from another mother.
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What is True Health?

Have you ever wondered what you could do to achieve your fullest potential?  I’m not only speaking about physical potential, but mental and emotional potential as well.  What does it mean to you to be healthy?  If I were to walk up to you right now and ask you what True Health is to you, what would you say?  Health is a state of optimal physical, mental and social well-being and not merely just the absence of disease.  See, health is not limited to how you look, or even how you feel.



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Green Drinks Are Golden For Your Health

Green Drinks = Gold


Remember the story by Dr. Seuss, Green Eggs and Ham?  There is Sam, and his friend…at least I think he was Sam’s friend.  If he wasn’t his friend, then Sam was a very creepy neighbor… In any case, Sam invites his “friend” to eat green eggs and ham.  Sam follows his friend many places and puts many possible ways and places to eat green eggs and ham; in a box, with a fox, in a house, with a mouse…yet Sam is rejected multiple times.



Finally as one last plea, while in the water says “You do not like them, so you say.  Try them! Try them! And you may, I say!”  And so Sam’s friend tried them.  And he then found that he LOVED green eggs and ham so much that he was then willing to eat them in a box, with a fox, in a house, with a mouse…
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10 Natural Rememdies for Colds and Winter Sickness

10 Natural Rememdies for Colds and Winter Sickness
Undoubtedly, you or someone you know is suffering temporarily from the flu, a cold, or a sinus infection.  It’s not fun, but it can be made more bearable.  The list of 10 is not all inclusive, but will give you the right direction in treating your symptoms naturally.  Treating them naturally will allow your body to recover faster now and in the future.  So go on, let your body do what it was designed to do.
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Pain and Painkillers – Why They Shouldn’t Be Mixed

You know that feeling when you get in your car, start it up, and glance down at the dash only to see the “Check Engine” light on?  What does it mean to you?get help for pain, back pain, chiropractic

Pain is your body’s “Check Engine” light.  A better warning title for us would be “Check for Dysfunction”.   This pain is your body’s built in alarm system.  You have an electrical pathway of nerves throughout your entire body (so dense that not one cell in your body is farther than 3 nanometers away from a nerve!)  In current research it is learned that our pain receptors -the things in our body that acknowledge pain- make up only 10% of all of those nerves.  What this means is that the back pain you are feeling right now, or the aches you may feel after a slip is probably worse than you think.Read More

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