The #1 Diagnosis Given to Children in February

ear infection boy

An ear infection, or Otitis media, is a general name for many conditions that affect the ear.  These conditions present as acute or chronic, and while some cause symptoms others go unnoticed.


Acute otitis media (AOM) will typically cause pain and a fever.  Otitis media with effusion (OME) is commonly seen in kids without pain or fever.  Ear infections account for over 37% of all pediatrician visits in the United States alone, and in the month of February it is the #1 diagnosis given to children from pediatricians!


Why do kids get ear infections?


Let’s get nerdy and technical (something my wife tells me I’m really good at).  Kids (infants and children) commonly get ear infections because of stagnation of fluid. Normally a tiny muscle called the Levator Veli Palatini that’s responsible for “milking” fluid out of the middle ear and down the Eustachian tube. When this tiny muscle isn’t working properly fluid pools.


The nervous system is responsible for the contracting and relaxing of muscles, some you have control over, and some you don’t. TRY THIS: Make a fist. Now relax. You have conscious control over those muscles in your hand and arm.  You thought in your brain ‘make a fist’, your brain transmitted the message, and the nervous system carried out the task. That muscle we mentioned above, the Levator Veli Palatini?  Well, we don’t have conscious control over that muscle.


How can we prevent ear infections?


So, to eliminate ear infections, first we need to make sure that the nervous system is controlling that muscle properly. Ear infections are commonly a neuro-mechanical issue, meaning there is a misalignment in the upper neck that is causing an abnormal nerve signal to that muscle.  Abnormal nerve signals can cause undue tension in the ear muscles.


Secondly, ear infections may further be complicated by dietary factors. Dairy, soy, commercial baby formulas, wheat, rice cereal, and sugars are the biggest deterrents to a healthy immune system. These foods increase inflammation and increase susceptibility to bacterial and viral infections (including ear infections).  Reducing or eliminating these foods from your child’s diet will help reduce inflammation and help prevent future flare-ups.  Remember though, the first goal is to fix any neuro-mechanical issues through gentle chiropractic care.

Here is a great green drink recipe to keep you and your family healthy:


So, how exactly does chiropractic work?


The cervical plexus receives motor fibers that can be traced from the Eustachian tubes to the superior cervical sympathetic ganglion. Simply put, a small misalignment in the vertebrae in the upper neck alters the proper nerve communication to the muscles responsible for draining the ears.  Insert gentle chiropractic care into your child’s life, and VOILA! We correct the misalignment, nerve flow returns, muscle tension decreases and the ear infections disappear.  No dangerous antibiotics needed. (I’ll share in a later post WHY antibiotics are dangerous).


A recent study published in the Journal of Clinical Chiropractic Pediatrics indicates that there is a strong correlation between chiropractic adjustments and the resolution of ear infections.  Close to 80% of children treated with a series of chiropractic adjustments did not experience another ear infection for six months following their initial visit.


We found that was the case with Tyson in our office.  Read his story below!


Tyson: Chiropractic and Ear Infections

If you or your children have recurring ear infections we invite you to stop by our office for an adjustment. Since we have an area dedicated to chiropractic care for children (including a pediatric adjustment table) your child will enjoy the experience. We have a central location just west of Eagle road which makes our office the natural choice for people living in Boise or Meridian.

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